
 Here are some of the things people are saying about Daddyvotionals.

Dear Mr. Abild, I know you think you wrote Daddyvotionals for your kids, but I think you should know you really wrote it for me.  I knew it as soon as I read the back cover, the foreword, and the first chapter, but I was really convinced when I read Chapter 2, “Overcoming Selfishness.”  I felt like I was looking in a mirror (especially when I read the PS!).  Every chapter has given me so much to think about.  I read Chapter 6 today.  I think you have a blessed family.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the rest of the world.

Review by B.T.

As a concerned parent, have you ever thought of doing some sort of spiritual devotion with your children and would have no clue where to begin? Daddyvotionals would be a great place to start. As your nest may be filling up, wisdom dictates you sit at the feet of someone whose nest has emptied and listen and learn.

Daddyvotionals is a delightful collection penned from the heart of a loving, concerned father intended to guide, cheer, bless and instruct his children through life’s journey. This is a unique window of opportunity to see how a responsible Christian father teaches his children through obeying God’s command to ‘train up a child in the way he should go’.

Though clearly written from a Christian perspective, the wisdom in this book would benefit anyone seeking practical guidance and truth to pass on to their own children or simply for their own edification. John uses many everyday life experiences to springboard into sharing the truth of God, His Word, and the beauty of His creation, and then demonstrates how it all relates to not only his children’ current decisions, but also their eternal outlook.

I’ve personally known John for over thirty years and he’s proven to be not only a devoted father, but a faithful follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, not just by profession, but by a life that bears the fruit of the Spirit – a rare commodity these days.

I would highly recommend buying and carefully reading this book.

John Solinger M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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